Digitize project time-recording with GFOS - the simple & reliable way

Intelligently link your project management and controlling by using GFOS project time-recording. The solution allows you to assign working times to projects, sub-projects, tasks, activities and/or locations. This provides you with a valid basis for your controlling and, if necessary, for invoicing your customers in order to minimize manual administrative effort and improve data quality.

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Main Features

Automatic project time-recording for maximum accuracy

With online project time tracking from GFOS, you can easily book the productive time of your employees to projects, sub-projects, tasks and/or activities as well as locations. Automatic project bookings can be made to one or several master projects on a percentage basis, and times can also be allocated online via the activity monitor, either directly or subsequently via correction process. The booking can also be made on the time tracking software terminal or in the GFOS app. The data can then be used as a basis of accounting for controlling purposes.

Create favorites in the GFOS project time-recording software to keep the time spent by your employees to a minimum. In addition, the integration of the GFOS modules allows you to limit the hours of project time tracking to the maximum evaluated hours of time tracking software. 

Further efficiency is made possible by transferring project master data via an interface from a higher-level system such as order processing. You can also transfer the evaluated project times to another system - for invoicing, for example.

These customers rely on workforce software from GFOS

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Your advantages

The advantages of our project time-recording software

Reduce administrative costs

The direct booking of project times reduces the workload of your employees in controlling.

Minimize recording effort

Convenient project time tracking reduces the time required by your employees to a minimum.

Data transfer via interfaces

Manual effort is a thing of the past: Transfer project data digitally and error-free directly via interfaces.

Simple evaluation

Information on your project times can be displayed and evaluated with just a few clicks. This allows you to maintain an overview. 

Better controlling

Plan and control various projects in a more targeted manner. The ongoing calculation of hours worked creates an overview and transparency.


The GFOS project time-recording software is available in 18 languages so that your project times can be digitized internationally. 

In the application

Map individual project structure

The GFOS system includes an authorization concept that allows only authorized employees or project managers to use project time-recording software. This means that employees can only access approved projects or activities to book their times. Supervisors can also allocate working times to projects.

In addition, our project time tracking solution allows you to create a simple structure and adapt it to the current circumstances in your company at any time, for example by merging or deactivating different projects. The system allows you to book projects, sub-projects, tasks, activities and/or locations - according to the individual requirements of your project business. You can use the app to record project times at different locations and at any time. A pin function provides quick access to frequently required projects.

Precise controlling with project time tracking

Store project properties in the project master data. You decide whether a project is billable or not. This makes it easy to evaluate the booked project times. In addition, the times can be transferred to a connected controlling system via a defined standard interface; this helps avoid duplicate data management and errors. The ongoing calculation of hours worked ensures that the project is constantly monitored in terms of time and costs.

Generate project reports at the touch of a button or visualize various evaluations, such as a target/actual comparison, the monitoring of project progress and the timely detection of missed deadlines. Automatic monitoring of all project times to be recorded and reporting of deviations provide additional security in the process. The generation of automatic messages in the event of discrepancies between time tracking software hours and project bookings can be set at any time. In addition, further evaluations are possible via project time-recording:

  • Employees' project times
  • Comparison with attendance and absence recording
  • Statistics
  • Time accounts with project times
Further Features

Other functions for your projects and requirements

Activity monitor for a quick overview

View all projects that are currently assigned to you. You can also log in and out of sub-projects or tasks.

Simple correction of project times

Recorded project times can also be corrected or changed afterwards and thus adjusted at any time.

Integration with employee scheduling

Link projects, sub-projects or tasks with the planning units of your resource planning. Specified times for activities thus automatically become requirement figures.

All features

Project time tracking from GFOS at a glance

Book working times for projects

Book your employees' working times directly to projects, sub-projects, tasks and/or activities. Locations can also be stored.

Clear authorization concept

You determine who should participate in project time tracking. Project times can be booked directly by supervisors or employees. 

Evaluation of project times

Decide whether a project is billable or non-billable - this allows you to evaluate recorded times afterwards.

Connection to employee scheduling

Project planning and workforce planning in harmony: Transfer volumes in projects as requirements for your resource planning.

Evaluations and reports

Various reporting and evaluation functions are available to you in the project time-recording software at the touch of a button.

Many expansion options

The GFOS software ecosystem can be flexibly expanded. Various add-on modules help you to solve your challenges.

Success Stories
  • Each cost center has its own project number. This allows us to record all activities internationally in all offices.
    Wolfgang Tschee (Manager Quality Laboratories Department, Sennheiser)
  • We structure according to project, activity and activity characteristic, such as product development or general projects. Depending on the department and project, there are different and also different numbers of job characteristics to choose from.
    Wolfgang Tschee (Manager Quality Laboratories Department, Sennheiser)

Successes with project time tracking from GFOS

How many projects can be created?

You can create an unlimited number of projects with our solution. Assign authorizations for project time tracking and enable your employees to get a better overview of their day-to-day project work. The pin/favorites function enables quick access to the most important projects.

What are the system requirements for project time tracking software from GFOS?

Our software solution has a general configuration standard that works for many companies. Information on the compatibility of the GFOS software can be found in our system requirements. These are standard requirements. If you have further or more individual requirements, we will find a solution together. Our IT experts will be happy to advise you on your project. 

Can project times also be managed in the GFOS app?

Yes, using the GFOS.Workforce Management | Mobile module, project time tracking is also available on mobile devices and in the app.

Can I export and process the project data?

Various evaluation functions are available to you. This allows you to export and process your reports. Project times can also be transferred automatically via an interface, saving you a lot of time in your administrative processes.

Can the GFOS project time tracking software also be operated in the cloud?

Yes, the entire GFOS ecosystem is available in the cloud. Our GFOS knownCloud offers you the necessary security with server locations in Germany. This means you can implement the solution in your company more quickly and scale it as required.

Can working hours be assigned to different customers or projects?

Yes, employees can book the hours worked directly to the projects stored in the system. This means that assigned project data can be accessed at any time.

Who has access to the various projects?

Access to projects can be defined by your project managers. In this way, you can determine exactly which employees are allowed to edit and view which projects. 

Why GFOS software is worthwhile

Users: 3 million

On average, 3 million users utilize GFOS software every day. This is how we digitize working environments worldwide and ensure future viability.

Custom Interfaces 70+

The system was designed for easy integration into your existing IT architecture. We’ve preconfigured custom interfaces for 30 of the world’s most popular payroll management applications and another 40 custom interfaces for common ERP systems.

Countries: 30

Our software is serving to cut labor costs substantially in over 30 countries.

Languages: 18

GFOS solutions are available in 18 languages. This means you benefit from the international deployment options.

Experience: 35+ years

With over 35 years of success and a broad partner network, we offer cross-industry solutions for companies of all sizes.

Take action now

Want to get the GFOS project time-recording software for your company or want more information about it? Then just get in touch with us!

Thorsten Karras 
+49 (0)201 / 61 30 00


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